Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Week of May 20th
Lucy's brooding trance has brought forth to the farm five new chicks with more eggs waiting to hatch over the next day or so. Paternity is loose with our little flock of two roosters and five hens, each hen making a contribution to a clutch of a dozen eggs which Lucy commandeered twenty one days ago. It's likely big, magnificent ,handsome Tipsy a Buff Brahma -Black Cochin cross is the insoucient father. Greyjack, his feisty bantam lesser rival who seems to know his place in the pecking order was probably rebuffed and sidelined by the ladies. His spirit though remains strong as he continues to crow his second string rooster head off perched atop the greenhouse. Other possible genetic mothers in the flock include Pearl the white Leghorn, Minute past Midnight the black Araucana, Sunset the R.I. Red, and Freckles the Buff Rock. Any kids out there with a knack for naming, please send in your offerings as the chicks develop in the next few months and we take more pictures of each of them.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Week of May 12-18. Happy Mothers Day. After a wet 1st half of the weekend, weather continues to be seasonally cool with salad greens transitioning to a warm weather mix. More lettuce varieties,beet/chard greens,mixed mustards, sorrel, arugula,and chrysanthemum greens begin to dominate. Production becomes tricky as we shift to outdoor gardens from out of the winter green house. Intend to take plastic off early spring lettuce hoop house late this wk. and turn the chickens out onto Garden#1 rye grass. Lucy our buff orphington hen is in her 3rd wk. of brooding and we might have 6-10 chicks by next wk. Need to work on soaker hose irrigation for Garden #2 early summer lettuce.
Important Events this and following week. 1) Send out subscription renewal notice for 2nd 10 wk billing cycle starting Wk of May 20- July 22nd. 2) Invite subscribers to Jun.15th open house @ Innisfree Body Works, Broad St. ,Pawtuxet Village 11- 1:00. New locally produced goodies including cheese from Narragansett Creamery, and breads by Olgas Cup and Saucer will accompany light alfresco Baby Greens and refreshments. 3) Copntimue looking for 5 acre farm site with or without house in West Bay area. All leads appreciated. 4) Continue dialog with Rocky Hill School for possible Center for Sustainability. 5) Start micro greens delivery to Trio Restaurant, Narragansett.
Stay tuned, Jeffery